Andrew Sanderson, MD at Ansaco Marketing Consulting GmbH

Andrew Sanderson:
B2B Marketing Consultant

B2B Marketing Consultant to innovative Manufacturers • Helps Marketers finds better ways to “get B2B Marketing done” • Shares Tools & Methods • Automates Processes

Get better results from Finite resources
CMOs are under huge pressure to deliver. Management expects Marketing to produce increased outputs from constant inputs. There’s only one way to make that happen:

Change the Marketing Processes
Shake up the combinations of resources. Re-design infrastructures. Refine systems and data integration. Constantly improve the understanding of customer pain points and value propositions. Make these strategies the foundation of your marketing plan. They will deliver better infrastructures, systems and processes. They are the keys to your continued commercial success.

Create a break-through
is the result of breaking away from old ideas. So I help CMOs shift the focus of their questions, to get new answers. Move the focus from “spending budget”, to “investing resources to get RoI”. From “helping Sales sell more”, to “helping Customers buy more easily”. From “broadcast messaging”, to “targetted communications”. From “promotion push”, to “conversion impact”. From “technical function”, to “customer advantage”. From “doing projects”, to “improving processes”.

These are small changes in focus – but they bring huge improvements in the results your team can achieve.


As a B2B Marketing Consultant, I help CMOs and their marketing teams make sense of strategy choices. Together, we find effective solutions to product marketing challenges. And we design and develop effective management processes, too, so that marketing can respond more swiftly to change.

How I can help you

  • providing perspectives on strategy choices.
  • advising on evaluation criteria so you can set priorities for marketing resources.
  • helping you compare and navigate alternatives – and avoid landmines.
  • providing a fast, safe start in new areas.
  • avoiding the loss of time and effort from learning by trial-and-error.
  • offer insights on issues and outcomes, based on hands-on experience.
  • suggest better structures and processes for improving marketing efficiency.

Problems I have solved for clients

Most of my work is done under NDA, so the descriptions that follow are anonymised summaries of successful projects:

  • Go-to-Market Strategy development
    Close collaboration with Sales and Business Development to design and develop a go-to-market strategy that aligns with the company’s business objectives. This included a strategy for identifying and prioritising market segments, and specific target organisations for targetted Account-Based Marketing via social media (LinkedIn).
  • Product Messaging that aligns with Brand values
    In complex B2B selling, effective product messaging must resonate for all members of a Buying committee. This project involved developing a series of value propositions and messages to communicate the product differentiators to multiple Buyer Personas. At the same time, messages were aligned to a strong corporate identity and reinforced the brand positioning to target audiences.
  • Sales and Marketing alignment
    Deep collaboration between marketing and sales resulted in a B2B Product Category being re-positioned as a Service to drive international revenue growth. Working together to understand of the customers “job-to-be-done”, sales and marketing identified new Touchpoints on the Buyers Journey. Marketing deliverables included new content pieces with strengthened value messaging.
  • Product Launch planning
    The planning and execution of a product extension into a new segment for a high-value investment machine with long sales cycle included positioning and messaging. The choice of marketing tactics to generate interest and awareness for the product covered owned, earned and bought media channels.
  • MarTech selection and implementation
    This project began with consultation to gain buy-in from the managers of eight country offices. Criteria for product selection and the long list were defined; presentations by short-list candidates were evaluated. After awarding the contract, an implementation roadmap provided the basis for work sequences (including integration of marketing automation data flows to CRM) and progress reporting to management. The brief included training for staff, and a formal hand-over to a full-time function manager, appointed to lead the new team.
  • Performance Measurement and Optimization
    By establishing performance metrics aligned to business objectives, the marketing team gained insights that enabled it to optimize email marketing campaigns and achieve better results. They set up tracking and measurement methods, analysed performance data, and adjusted content and copy to achieve better results.
  • Process Design and Development
    A simple marketing communications challenge – set up newsletters for three B2B target groups – was complicated by the resource restriction: only one staff day per month. We achieved the objective by simplfying and standardising the the work process steps and getting up-front agreement on how meetings would be run from all participants: director, manager and team member. The process was used successfully for six years.